About Course

Move to a new Level of Spiritual Growth and healing
Spiritual Healing Power
spiritual connection and want to find
more meaning and purpose to your life?
Are you ready for powerful spiritual
solutions for the challenges of your life?
Are you a practitioner who’d like to
deepen your spiritual gifts and
contribution to others?
Spiritual Healing is absolutely life transforming—for you and for clients and families. Work with higher levels of being to transform the difficulties of life…
…challenges like fear, loneliness, sadness, lack of love, recurring negative thoughts, illness, financial challenges, relationships, issues with work, life purpose, and contribution to the world.
This is the new level of your life
⦁ Healing of your body and mind,
⦁ Spiritual connection and development,
⦁ Knowing your purpose and bringing forth your gifts to make your contribution to the world.
A high level of healing
Spiritual Healing Power is designed to lift you to a high level of healing. It’s about working directly with your advanced capacities of spirit to transform your body and mind, to open you to higher consciousness so you can become more powerful, courageous and free.
It’s a multi-media program that will teach you many healing techniques and higher understandings of life.
It’s a force field of healing to lift up emotional issues, physical ailments and mental challenges. Illumination is the word to describe this state of healing, and it’s an opportunity to bring more light and wisdom to your body, mind, and soul.
This is a special 6-module program given to you through videos, audios, and transcripts. You’ll receive many techniques to use for your own life and the lives of your clients, and you’ll be a part of an uplifting community. You’ll receive many handouts and bonuses as well.
It’s about non-denominational spirituality that works with the power of healing and transformation to raise your consciousness and transform your life.

ALSO: Become a certified spiritual healing practitioner through this program
This is for you if…
⦁ You’d like to experience higher states of consciousness and deepen your spiritual connection.
⦁ You have recurring negative thoughts that you’d like to transform.
⦁ You’re looking for a way to transform darkness into light for yourself or others.
⦁ You’re looking for inner peace, strength, wisdom, openness and love.
⦁ You’d like to get in touch with higher guidance and wisdom to transform anything in your life or the lives of others.
⦁ You have physical or emotional issues you’d like to heal.
⦁ You’d like to be a channel for the healing power and wisdom of the universe.
⦁ You’d like to find the purpose of your life.
⦁ You’d like to make your contribution to the world.
⦁ You’d like more tools to work with others.
Enter the realm of higher consciousness!

Here’s a wonderful program for you!
You’ll learn…
⦁ Dynamic methods of healing and transformation to reach higher levels
⦁ How to raise your vibration and find the source of peace and inner power.
⦁ How to channel inner guidance and the healing power of the universe
⦁ How to work with spiritual healing techniques
⦁ How to heal mind, emotions, and physical body
⦁ How to work spiritually with deep issues such as fear, self-worth, anger, sadness, grief, habits, loss and negative thoughts.
⦁ How to clear chakras
⦁ How to create states of spiritual comfort
⦁ How to do Spiritual Hypnosis
⦁ How to transform many life issues with spiritual healing power—such as issues of relationships, prosperity, life purpose and more.
Here’s what we’ll be covering:
Module One: The Spiritual Connection
⦁ The spiritual path and varied experiences of God—ways of understanding higher energies
⦁ Understanding levels of consciousness, such as the conscious, the subconscious, and the superconscious
⦁ How to get in touch with the healing power of the universe
⦁ Contacting inner guidance
⦁ Becoming a channel for healing power and wisdom
⦁ Inviting in the Great Beings
⦁ Deepening your meditation
⦁ Guided meditation

Module Two: Spiritual Healing Techniques for Opening the Heart and Clearing the mind
⦁ Working with light, wisdom, love, forgiveness, compassion and the witness state
⦁ Special techniques for working with brilliant healing light
⦁ Contacting higher healing wisdom within for higher perspective
⦁ Understanding and experiencing divine healing love
⦁ Experiencing how healing compassion transforms your understanding
⦁ Knowing how healing forgiveness can shift the course of life
⦁ Understanding the healing witness state to expand your consciousness
⦁ Working with the mind: The Law of Attraction, Buddhist Psychology and Thought Transformation, A Course in Miracles, Ho’oponopono, and the I AM Power
⦁ The Wise Mind Process—an illuminating 4-step method to transform anything
⦁ Resolving the challenges of life—relationships, prosperity, life purpose and more
⦁ Guided meditation

Module Three: Healing Emotions and Physical Body
⦁ Working with Mindbody Healing techniques and Spiritual Aspects of Medical Transformational Healing
⦁ Understanding the mindbody connection
⦁ Many ways to work with healing light and water
⦁ The Miracle of Metaphysical Healing technique
⦁ Transforming neural pathways of the brain (neuroplasticity)
⦁ Techniques for eliminating or reducing pain
⦁ Working with visualizations
⦁ Spiritual Healing for fear, self-worth, anger, grief, habits, sadness, loss, and negative thoughts; moving to a new perspective
⦁ The new “Faster EFT”—another way of doing The Emotional Freedom Technique that’s easy to learn and to do
⦁ Working with chakras
⦁ Energy Healing to release negative energies—a specific approach to aura and chakra clearing
⦁ Guided meditation

Module Four: Spiritual Comfort, prayer and meditation
⦁ The power of prayer
⦁ Meditation
⦁ Mantras
⦁ Guided spiritual healing meditations
⦁ Reframing illness
⦁ More on working with the mind
⦁ More on healing water, love, and light
⦁ The power of the breath for healing
⦁ Guided meditation

Module Five: Spiritual Hypnosis
⦁ Moving to higher levels of consciousness
⦁ Spiritual parts therapy; working with subpersonalities
⦁ Spiritual guided meditations
⦁ The power of inner transformation: Experience, Release, Transform
⦁ Self hypnosis and hypnotherapy with others
⦁ Guided meditation

Module Six: Making Your Contribution to the World with Spiritual Healing Power
⦁ The spiritual path—understanding how to go beyond the ego for true healing and transformation
⦁ Finding and developing your Life Purpose
⦁ Understanding “Light Work” as a path of service to the world
⦁ Prosperity and spiritual work
⦁ The great shift and contribution to the planet
⦁ Guided meditation

Here’s how it works:
⦁ You’ll be guided through a carefully planned program of modules, which include videos, audios, and special documents
⦁ You’ll receive many techniques to use for your own life and the lives of others.
⦁ You’ll be able to be a part of a community to give and receive support from others.
⦁ You’ll be able to revisit the videos and audios at any time to review or go more deeply into the material. You’ll also receive handouts.
⦁ This is about non-denominational spirituality that works with the power of transformation.
About Marilyn Gordon

Special Covid19 Price:
ONLY $49 or $25x2 payments
Here’s what you'll receive in this program:
⦁ 6 inspiring, educational, beautiful video modules
⦁ Special healing program to be announced
⦁ Videos, Audios, Transcripts
⦁ Special dedicated Facebook Group
⦁ Meditations with each program and their recordings
⦁ Members’ Area to receive all your modules, documents & recordings
⦁ A certificate as a Spiritual Healing Practitioner if you choose
Continuing Education Units Available
Certifications Available:
Certified Spiritual Healing Practitioner AND
Certified Life Transformation Consultant (Bonus)
Special Covid19 pricing. This used to be $400, but now Corona has shifted everything so much, that you are receiving a HUGE bargain.
Here’s what people have said about Marilyn Gordon and our Higher Learning programs

We have hundreds more of these comments from people who have moved to another level of their lives.
Here’s what you'll receive in this program:
⦁ 6 inspiring, educational, beautiful video modules
⦁ Special healing program to be announced
⦁ Videos, Audios, Transcripts
⦁ Special dedicated Facebook Group
⦁ Meditations with each program and their recordings
⦁ Members’ Area to receive all your modules, documents & recordings
⦁ A certificate as a Spiritual Healing Practitioner if you choose
Continuing Education Units Available
Certifications Available:
Certified Spiritual Healing Practitioner AND
Certified Life Transformation Consultant (Bonus)
Special Covid19 pricing. This used to be $400, but now Corona has shifted everything so much, that you are receiving a HUGE bargain.
To enroll in this powerful, inspiring, educational
Healing program:
“There is a high place within you that is that is filled with ecstasy, radiance and love. That’s where we go for spiritual healing. Here you can transform all the challenges of life. It’s a natural state of elevated consciousness, a natural high of love and inner power that everyone is looking for. Underneath all the problems of life, underneath the anger, illness grief, or feelings of unworthiness, there is this spiritual power that can heal.”
Marilyn Gordon
Course Content
Module 1
16:51 -
Special Bonus Articles
Module 2
19:43 -
Special Bonus Articles
Module 3
20:03 -
Special Bonus Articles
Module 4
19:40 -
Special Bonus Articles
Module 5
15:46 -
Special Bonus Articles
Module 6
15:23 -
Special Bonus Articles
Extra Files
Agreement Forms
Special Bonus Articles